Six Questions with... Michael Kerrigan
Michael Kerrigan realised a dream of buying some coveted vineyards in the Willyabrup Valley in Margaret river, and founded Hayshed Hill. Kerrigan made his name at Madfish and Howard Park, but at Hayshed Hill he wanted to make a style of wine that he wanted to make.
Launched in 2006, he is still getting to know his vineyards and looking after its old vines. High scoring from the likes of James Halliday, the company is named after the century old hay shed that has stood on the property from when it was a dairy farm. The Pitchfork range are entry level wines that are really wonderful value for money, and the winery named wines add complexity and even more finesse that Margaret River is well known for. Michael is involved with the Nick Stacy's Vinaceous project... basically, he never stops but did to answer six questions...
If you weren't a winemaker, what job would you do?
Notwithstanding the small difficulty of a complete lack of talent, I'd be a fiction novelist and play cricket for Australia in my spare time.
Describe yourself in three words
Un-cool, passionate, stubborn
Aside from your own wines, what do you drink at home?
Hunter Valley Semillon, love it.... steely, mineral and just a great drink.
What is the best, and worst, wines you have ever made?
The best - A few very elegant yet powerful Cabernet Sauvignons over the years, wines from truly old vine Margaret River vines, wines that would stand up in any company from anywhere in the world. And worst - definitely some totally unlovable Margaret River Pinot Noir, the wrong grape in the wrong vineyard in the wrong region.
What is your most prized possession
My hand carved Chinese chess set, the scene of many battles with my teenage son.
Name three people, real or fictional, living or dead, that would be your ideal dinner party guests and what would you be drinking?
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, he would probably want Mezcal, Liv Tyler (wearing the elf ears from Lord of the Rings), she would drink light white wine, Emma Watson (because she is Hermione Granger... enough said) and although she seems a bit sober, she might indulge in a Champagne. I would drink a great German Riesling. Bloody Marquez would make off with the girls...