Due to our products being consumables, we cannot accept returns unless the product is faulty.

As we cannot guarantee that the products are kept in a good environment after delivery, we will not take returns, nor offer exchange or refunds, on any product that was received by you more than 90 days ago.

If you believe your product is faulty, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will arrange an exchange or refund.  We will ask various questions about the fault to determine what is wrong with it.  This is standard procedure with every customer with a faulty product,  so please do not take offence at being asked these questions.

St Andrews Wine Company Ltd reserves the right to determine whether you receive an exchange or refund.

Unless advised in writing/email by St Andrews Wine Company, you (the customer) will be required to return the faulty product.  Due to the nature of these products being a consumable liquid, the product must be at least 3/4 (three quarters) of its original volume.  It is up to the customer to make sure that the bottle is sealed so no further liquid escapes.  If you fail to do this, and the volume of liquid goes below 3/4 of the original volume, St Andrews Wine Company reserve the right to not offer an exchange or refund.

If the description of the fault you give is not corroborated by our experts, St Andrews Wine Company Ltd reserves the right to refuse an exchange or refund, or only refund part of the original purchase price.

Any wine that is over 10 years old is exempt from our returns policy.



To return your product, you should re-seal the bottle and wrap cling film (shrink wrap) around the top of the bottle and pack it well in a box.

If we deem it necessary, we will arrange collection of the faulty bottle.  If, by the time the bottle reaches us, the liquid had leaked to less than 3/4 the original volume or the fault is not as you described, we reserve the right to reject your claim and bill you for any additional costs.


Sale or return restrictions: Any products stocked by the provider will attract a 25% per product sale or return. The provider may waive this on a case by case basis. Any products that are purchased specifically for the client will, by default, not be provided on a sale or return basis. The provider may opt to provide a sale or return option for the client on these products, but if they do so, the maximum this will be is 20% of each product.